Thursday, April 28, 2022

Penny-wise and Pound-foolish

What a time to be a software developer! I'm always amazed that even in an industry with high salaries and intense competition for talent, companies find a way to shoot themselves in the foot with cheapness.

There's a great thread on Hacker News today where people are chiming in with their experiences of company cheapness around basic things like coffee and bathroom cleaning. The common lesson being that when you see a company attempting to cheap out on basic things, it's time to leave.

Early in my career I read Joel Spolsky's A Field Guide to Developers and it painted a picture for me of how good tech companies treat their developers. And it taught me early on to pay attention to the anti-patterns of companies that were less enlightened.

At one of my first jobs, I asked for a book about a new technology that was important for projects I would be working on. I'll never forget the development manager making me feel bad that in a time where the company was trying to save money that I would ask for a $30 book on a technology they wanted me to learn. Keep in mind this was a company that was paying me tens of thousands of dollars in salary in addition to full benefits. It's in small moments of cheapness that you learn a lot about a company.

In the early years of .NET, when Visual Studio was less packed with nice productivity features, the 3rd-party extension ReSharper was more or less ubiquitous amongst respectable developers in that space. It was always very telling to see which .NET shops assumed you would want that tool and provided a license on your first day, and which ones treated that extra cost of a few hundred dollars with suspicion.

In fact, the way that employers view licensing costs for software of the daily-use variety is always enlightening. One company I worked at had developed an impressive build system around a popular source control system you've definitely heard of. At some point someone in management decided they didn't like paying for an open source product that could be had in a free edition, so they downgraded to a "community" edition of the source control system that was free (as in beer), requiring the company to allocate developer hours to re-implementing features of the paid edition that they relied upon heavily but no longer had in the free version, not to mention training everyone to use the new bolted-on system in their daily workflow.

Training is another area that speaks volumes about an employer. Companies that believe in the importance of training will make it as easy as they can for you to get that training. How onerous is the process to get training courses approved? Companies that want to provide simple, default training options will subscribe every developer to Pluralsight, Safari Books Online, or other popular all-you-can-eat educational resources. Some companies are aware of these resources but will try to save money by buying only a certain numbers of licenses, so that employees have to keep bugging each other to release a license. Some companies will force employees to sign up using their own credit cards and then submit expense reports every month to get reimbursed. These are money saving measures that put barriers up and ensure that most people will simply stop caring about getting training because it's too much of a hassle. Employees aren't dumb—they know the company had ways they could have made these things easier, and chose to go the penny-pinching route that shifts burden to the employees.

These are just a few examples I've personally witnessed, but there are myriad ways that companies turn off developers with moments of cheapness. In a period of unprecedented mobility among developers, where employers routinely pay six-figure salaries to entice and retain their people, it's a bad time to be penny-wise and pound-foolish.